Ministers of the Gospel

Well done, good and faithful servants! We’re proud of the generations of CUAA church workers who have brought others into God’s family through the preaching and teaching of the Gospel.

为教会预备十大正规赌博平台大全领袖的好工作,今天仍在美国大学校友会继续. We invite you to explore whether God is calling you to join the ranks of Concordia alumni who serve Christ as church workers throughout the world.

Find Your Calling

Refer A Student

Pre-Seminary “我很喜欢和Dr. Yakimow. 他引导我以前所未有的方式思考圣经." - Aaron Halboth

Explore pre-seminary studies

Lutheran Teacher "The faculty and staff at Concordia show me every day the type of teacher I want to become." - Kyra Jammer

Explore Lutheran education

Family Life Ministry “一个植根于基督的坚强家庭是如此重要, and Concordia helped prepare me to make a difference for the relationships that matter most." - Celia Walkowicz

Explore family life ministry

Parish Music “我努力发挥我最大的能力来荣耀上帝. It’s icing on the cake that Concordia’s newly restored pipe organ is at my access 24/7." - Jacob Ferns

Explore parish music

Our Commitment to the Church

Concordia University Ann Arbor knows the urgent need for more skilled workers for the Church. The university annually commits a variety of support to students who indicate their desire to pursue church work.

  • 教会工作候选人的平均资助额为19,435美元
  • 4个教会工作奖学金
  • 每年大约有50个教会工作专供捐赠
  • 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio

Why choose CUAA for Church Work?

Faculty relationships

Build relationships with five-star expert faculty who get to know you on a personal level. Close-knit relationships with professors will help you feel comfortable asking those difficult questions -- about youth ministry, predestination, music selection in worship, etc. ——为你十大正规赌博平台大全的职业做准备.

Practical experience

Take learning beyond the classroom with a paid student training experience in a local congregation (STEPS), 通过成为校园事工协调员, 通过在校园内外的事工服务. Read more about STEPS below.

Leadership opportunities

带领校园敬拜,成长信心, 作为校园事工协调员建立关系, 在三位一体时间奉献给年轻人, 为基督教教会工人俱乐部组织活动, 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行STEPS会众中领导圣经学习, and much more.

Vibrant campus ministry

Grow in faith through Daily Chapel and weekly student-led liturgical prayer services and contemporary worship services.

美国最佳大学城(WalletHub 2021)

在美丽宽敞的校园里,全年都可以享受休伦河. 附近有数英里的远足和自行车道, 但到安娜堡市中心只有很短的路程, 每个人都能找到自己喜欢的东西.


Is God calling you to teach the Gospel and administer the Sacraments as an LCMS pastor? We encourage pre-seminary students to take a major in Applied Theology and a major or a minor in Theological Languages. However, 预科学生可以主修大学的任何课程, such as business, education, graphic design, or theology, for example. 你要修《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》之类的必修课, Biblical Theology, and Greek, 为你在进入神学院之前打下坚实的基础.

View Pre-Seminary Program

Lutheran Teacher

神呼召并装备了你,让你成为一个鼓舞人心、有影响力的老师. You will be prepared to share the Gospel using the gifts and platform God has given you. 在幼儿时期获得路德教会教师文凭, elementary, 幼儿和小学的双专业, special education, and secondary levels, which include numerous majors. Students can focus on concentrations which have been carefully and creatively designed to meet the needs of students for today and tomorrow. 在过去的5年里,我们安排了近100%的毕业生.


Family Life Ministry

CUAA的家庭生活部项目为学生提供了知识, skills, 态度不仅需要帮助家庭生存, but to thrive in life and faith. In the Family Life Ministry major, students receive the academic and practical training needed to understand how people develop as individuals and how strong families function according to the Bible. Students in the program learn the Scriptures and the necessary skills so that they can lead children’s ministry, youth ministry, 以及在基督教教堂的全家庭事工.

View Family Life Program

Pre-Deaconess Studies

十大正规赌博平台大全排行呼召是在传福音中服事教会, mission, parish teaching, youth ministry, or even pre-deaconess/social ministry. You’ll be ready to support Bible studies, community outreach, mercy work, and administrative duties. 因为没有两个毕业生会有完全相同的角色, you’ll take management and leadership courses that will help you adapt to any situation. 学神学专业会给你打下坚实的基础, 你可以用两门辅修课来丰富十大正规赌博平台大全排行技能. The first minor is in church ministries and the second minor is in nonprofit management so that you can understand how operations work at a church or nonprofit organization.

View Pre-Deaconess Studies Program

Director of Parish Music

教区音乐家通过音乐教导十大正规赌博平台大全排行. 发现你可以透过堂区音乐服务的许多方式. 从学习到指挥合唱团和器乐团体, 来支持神圣仪式的结构, 你将从练习教会音乐家的训练中发展十大正规赌博平台大全排行技能. 当你学会用音乐带领会众时, 作为教区音乐家,你会有很多成长的机会.

View Parish Music Program
Program Spotlight

STEPS church work internship

Since 2004, Concordia University Ann Arbor’s STEPS program has helped more church work candidates gain early, on-the-job training and access to mentors than any other school in the Concordia University System.

Students enrolled in pre-seminary, pre-deaconess, family life ministry, or parish music programs are eligible to participate in this paid part-time internship experience with any of CUAA’s 20-plus partner parishes or LCMS ministries.

Typically church work students don’t participate in the equivalent of an internship until their senior year at CUAA or seminary, but STEPS aims to get them into real-life ministry settings starting in their sophomore year.

Colloquy Routes

If you’ve already received a non-church work degree but would like to become a rostered worker of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, you have some options. Colloquy programs prepare individuals who are already serving in ministry roles to become a Minister of Religion-Commissioned within the LCMS.


The most popular route to a colloquy is through the Concordia University Education Network (CUEnet). CUEnet是一个在线项目,需要完成八门课程, after which an individual can select a Concordia within the Concordia University System where they would like their final, in-person interview to be conducted. 请访问LCMS的工人座谈会培训页面以了解更多详情 and to apply or contact Jim Juergensen with questions.

Financial Assistance

康考迪亚旨在支持各级终身路德教学习. 所以无论你是在为十大正规赌博平台大全排行孩子还是你自己寻找选择, Concordia has a multitude of programs that will prepare you with uncommon compassion, ethical conscience, and unparalleled skill.

Luther Promise

Up to $20,在任何路德教会教会或高中就读的本科生都可以获得1万美元, 或美国大学校友或登记教会工作人员的家属. 在这里了解更多关于路德承诺奖学金的信息.

Luther Scholar Guarantee

Undergraduates who are new freshman, who are planning to be LCMS pastors, 谁宣布一个预备学院轨道有资格获得20美元,000. 在这里了解更多关于路德学者保证的信息.

Uncommon Scholarship

Employees of Lutheran schools and churches qualify for scholarships on eligible graduate courses or adult accelerated programs. 在这里了解更多关于非凡奖学金的信息.

Church Work Scholarships

经济援助是专门为修读预科的学生预留的, Lutheran education, DCM, or parish music. Click here for more details.

Fine Arts Scholarships

Scholarships exist for students pursuing music, theatre, or art involvement at CUAA. Click here for more details.

Scholarship Endowments

Concordia has a number of scholarship endowments specifically designated for church work students. Based on a student’s financial need, he or she may qualify for assistance from one of these funds. 向十大正规赌博平台大全排行财务援助顾问咨询细节.

If you would like more information about leaving a legacy by establishing an endowment, click here or contact Roy Peterson at

申请人可能有资格获得其他补助金或学费援助. 每个人都是根据具体情况进行审查的. 请访问上面链接的页面,与相应的招生代表联系.